IMG_2303Yep I said it! I’m thankful for the fact that capes are in! Not any capes, although I love most and own loads, but I love this cape from La Nisay the most. Perhaps I'm biased, I get the pleasure of photographing the La Nisay collection and always marvel at the collection designer Sanah Yasin creates. Now, back to my cape, it’s perfect for stuffing my face today, tomorrow and pretty much the rest of the Holiday Season. It pairs seamlessly with casual or dressy, and frankly I feel like “superwoman” in it. It gives me wings!!!Now on a more serious, mushy note! I’d love to say thanks for my life. We go through this fast paced world rarely stopping to think and be grateful for all that we have. I try to slow down and think about that as much as I can, and the thought always brings me to tears. I’m so blessed to have this life and most importantly my health, my family’s health and the health of my friends. I know too well, that if you don’t have health, all the monetary things in this world are irrelevant. I’m so thankful for my amazing children who have changed me into a selfless woman, who was very selfish at one point. For my husband, for always being the smarter, wiser, calmer, supportive half of me. For my incredible friends, who are my real chosen family, for my career that grows each and every year, and for the ability to live my dream each and every day!IMG_2298IMG_2312IMG_2331IMG_2289IMG_2418IMG_2326IMG_2356

What I Wore: Cape: La Nisay similar HERE , HERE  & HERE <-- ALL 30% OFF for BLACK FRIDAY Tee: Forever21 similar HERE & HERE Sneakers: Nike similar HERE Sunnies: Tom Ford Bag: Chanel similar HERE Hat: Adora similar HERE
Click through the gallery to see the entire La Nisay Fall/Winter 2014 collection photographer by yours truly!

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Photos by Hallie Duesenberg